An Introduction to WSO2 Configurator

Note! Configurator is now deprecated, please use Puppet Apply instead

Product configurations can be automated with orchestration management systems such as Puppet, Chef, Salt, Ansible, etc. Most of these orchestration systems provide their own templating engine for templating configuration files. The problem with this model is that for each orchestration system a separate set of templates need to be created for the same product. Switching between different orchestration systems & maintaining different sets of templates files are very costly.

WSO2 Configurator was introduced to solve this problem by implementing a generic templating solution which can work with any orchestration system: configurator-architecture

WSO2 Configurator is a python module written using Jinja2 template engine which can configure a product using a set of key/value pairs. As shown in the above diagram configuration parameters can be either provided by using a set of environment variables or using the module.ini file inside the template module. The template module includes the template files, any other files that needs to be copied to the product distribution such as patches and the module.ini file.

WSO2 Private PaaS Cartridges releases template modules for all the WSO2 products. Currently template modules can be found for API-M, AS, BRS, DAS, ESB, G-Reg, IS & MB can be found here 3.

How to use Configurator:

1. Build WSO2 Configurator

cd /tmp/
git clone
cd private-paas-cartridges/common/configurator
git checkout tags/v4.1.0
mvn clean install
cp target/ /tmp/work
cd /tmp/work/

2. Build WSO2 AS 5.2.1 Template Module

cd /tmp/private-paas-cartridges/wso2as/5.2.1/template-module 
mvn clean install
cd target/
cp wso2as-5.2.1-template-module-4.1.0 /tmp/work/ppaas-configurator-4.1.0/template-modules/

3. Extract WSO2 AS 5.2.1 Distribution

cd /tmp/work/

4. Update module.ini File

Update module.ini file and set CARBON_HOME to /tmp/work/wso2as-5.2.1

5. Run Configurator

cd /tmp/work/ppaas-configurator-4.1.0

Now have a look at the carbon.xml file port offset value. It should be set to 2.

Imesh Gunaratne

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Colombo, LK