I am the Captain of My Ship

I was watching the TED Talk “The Skill of Self Confidence” by Dr Ivan Joseph and found it interesting. He is the Athletic Director and head coach of the Varsity Soccer team at Ryerson University. Since you could watch the talk yourself I would like to list few points that are motivating in his speech.

1. What is Self Confidence?

Dr Ivan says it’s the ability or belief to believe in your self to accomplish any task. No matter how difficult it is.

2. Avoid negative talks:

He points out that it would be better if we could ignore what people do wrong. If we highlight people’s bad behaviour and say don’t do this, don’t do that their self motivation may get crushed.

3. Catch them when they are good:

This is the opposite of point 2. Always praise when people do something good. They will remember it for long time and it will bring their self confidence to a higher level.

4. Have positive perceptions even though things are not right:

He illustrates this point using an example from his family. He says his son interprets his sports skills in a very positive way even when he may not have played good in a game.

5. No one will believe in you unless you do.

6. Repetition, Repetition and Repetition.

Practice over and over again, don’t accept failure.

7. Get away from people who will tear you down.

Reference: http://tedxtalks.ted.com/video/TEDxRyersonU-Dr-Ivan-Joseph-The

Imesh Gunaratne

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