TEDx Colombo 2012

For someone who is passionate about TED having a local TED event in his or her area is facinating. I’m not sure whether this is the first TED event held in Sri Lanka, however for the time I was following TED this is the first. I couldn’t attend the event by my self. Nevertheless I found most of the talks published on Youtube and TED very interesting. Following are some of them. »

I am the Captain of My Ship

I was watching the TED Talk “The Skill of Self Confidence” by Dr Ivan Joseph and found it interesting. He is the Athletic Director and head coach of the Varsity Soccer team at Ryerson University. Since you could watch the talk yourself I would like to list few points that are motivating in his speech. 1. What is Self Confidence? Dr Ivan says it’s the ability or belief to believe in your self to accomplish any task. »

Google 2-Step Verification

Google has an extended level of security which can protect your Google account against malicious threats. This is called 2-Step Verification. It works with a secondary password/numeric value which is generated using a Google mobile application which can be installed in your Android phone. Whenever you login into a Google application using your email address and password, the secondary verification value is requested. This verification code should be generated using the Google mobile authentication application and entered to login. »

All About Steve Jobs

It’s all there!! Steve on stage, at work, at home and key people he loved. You may read your self. http://allaboutstevejobs.com This is a private web site written by Romain Moisescot and has no affiliation with any of Steve’s companies. A great job Romain! Just one thing to think about. If you just look at his pictures page, you will see a series of his photographs shown on the top from his younger days to the days just before he died. »

Using Amazon EC2 .NET SDK for Openstack

The Amazon EC2 .NET SDK can be used to access OpenStack. However the current version ( has a bug. It does not consider the port when preparing the signature for the request. Therefore you may see the request being failed in the OpenStack cloud controller with a signature mismatch error. There is a patch released to fix this problem. Basically what it does is, include the custom port number if the IsDefaultPort property is set to false when preparing the signature based on the parameters. »