Introduction to Apache Stratos Mock IaaS

Apache Stratos supports many Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platforms; EC2, OpenStack, VCloud, CloudStack, Docker, etc. However setting up an IaaS or purchasing a public IaaS service is an overhead for contributors and people who would like to tryout Stratos; setting up a local IaaS needs considerable amount of hardware resources and purchasing an online IaaS account involves costs. These are some of the major barriers Stratos community had for last year or so for implementing automated integration tests, bringing in new contributors and allowing people to tryout Stratos with less effort. »

Installing A Reverse Proxy Server on Ubuntu with Apache2

Update package lists: apt-get update Install Apache2 with mod_proxy: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-proxy-html Install libxml2 module: apt-get install libxml2-dev Add following configuration to the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file: LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ LoadModule proxy_http_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ LoadModule headers_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ LoadModule deflate_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ LoadFile /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Add a sample reverse proxy configuration to the same file: ProxyPass /imesh ProxyPassReverse /imesh Restart Apache2: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart References: »

Install Stratos in One Go

Apache Stratos 4.0.0 installation process has series of manual steps; installing prerequisites, downloading source and binary packages, installing and configuring puppet master, configuring Stratos products, etc. I think it is a waste of time to do all these steps over an over again when setting up Stratos development or demo environments. As a solution to this, I implemented a script to automate the complete Stratos installation process by filling the gaps in between: Prerequisites: An Ubuntu 12.04 64bit host Git client Steps to follow: Take a git clone of the below git repository: git clone Update with host private IP and IaaS configuration parameters: host_private_ip="" ec2_identity="identity" ec2_credential="credential" ec2_keypair_name="keypair-name" ec2_owner_id="owner-id" ec2_availability_zone="availability-zone" ec2_security_groups="security-groups" Grant executable access: chmod +x Run with root permissions: sudo ./ This will download and install Stratos source/binary packages, Java, MySQL connector, ActiveMQ, puppet master and configure all of them with default configuration settings. »

Advance Load Balancing Capabilities in Apache Stratos (incubating) 4

In Apache Stratos (incubating) 4 architecture there are three different ways to configure load balancers for services. The idea of this functionality is to provide more optimized load balancing capabilities in a single PaaS deployment as required by different services. 1. Shared Scalable Load Balancing In this load balancing mode a service would get access to a scalable load balancer/cluster shared among multiple services. The resulting load balancing solution may consume less IaaS resources and will be cost efficient for the service provider. »

Getting Started with Apache Stratos (Incubating) Initial Release with Openstack

Apache Stratos (incubating) is now ready with it’s initial release. A new Git branch has been created for this release with the name “3.0.0-incubating-x”. Please note that “x” refers to the RC version. Please refer the project wiki for detailed information about this release. To start with, first we need to get the binary distribution of Apache Stratos. We could either build it from source or download the officially released files from svn. »