How to Activate/Deactivate Message Processors in WSO2 ESB with MBeans

What is a Message Processor? WSO2 ESB provides message processors for delivering messages that have been temporarily stored in a message store. This approach is useful for serving traffic to back-end services that can only accept messages at a given rate, whereas incoming traffic to the ESB arrives at different rates [1]. Please refer [2] for sample use cases of message processors. How to Implement a MBeans Client? The below sample code demonstrates how to talk to the JMX endpoint of the ESB and actiavate and deactivate a message processor. »

Re-Writing Query Parameters in WSO2 ESB

The following code sample shows how to re-write a query parameter in an URL in WSO2 ESB. This technique might be useful when dynamically handling endpoint URLs. <property name="URL" value="http://host:8280?p1=abc&amp;p2=qwe"/> <filter source="$ctx:URL" regex=".*format=.*"> <then> <!-- format query parameter found in URL, replace it --> <property name="URL_UPDATED" expression="replace($ctx:URL, 'format=([^&amp;]*)', 'format=xml')"/> </then> <else> <!-- format query parameter not found in URL, add it --> <property name="URL_UPDATED" expression="concat($ctx:URL, '&amp;format=xml')"/> </else> </filter> <log level="custom"> »

Implementing Split Aggregate Pattern in ESB

Split Aggregate is an Enterprise Integration Pattern (EIP) which could be implemented in an ESB in scenarios where the same backend service needs to be invoked with different payloads. This will avoid the need of making multiple service calls to backend services and eventually reduce the service invocation round trip time. In this article I have designed a sample mediation flow in WSO2 ESB, by using the Iterate and Aggregate mediators to demonstrate the usage of Split Aggregate patten. »

Exposing WSO2 Identity Server Admin Services as REST APIs

WSO2 Identity server 4.5.0 does not provide REST APIs for accessing its administrative services out of the box. However we could use WSO2 ESB to convert SOAP based administrative services to REST. Please follow the below steps to do this: Download WSO2 ESB 4.8.1 and IS 4.5.0. Extract ESB distribution and set the offset to 1 in carbon.xml file. <offset>1</offset> Extract IS distribution and set the HideAdminServiceWSDLs property to false in carbon.xml file. »

WSO2 CApp Deployment Verification Process

WSO2 introduced a new Carbon Application (CApp) deployment verification process in Carbon 4.2.0 release. This might be useful for environments where applicaiton deployment process is automated via DevOps such as Jenkins. In Carbon 4.2.0 release CApps are considered as atomic units which consists of a collection of artifacts that provides set of services for a specific requirement. Since the applications are considered atomic, if one of the artifacts of an application does not get deployed properly, that application will considered as not deployed. »